When an error occurs in the API, we return a consistent error response format that includes an error code, HTTP status code, and a descriptive message. This reference lists all possible error codes that you might encounter while using our API, along with their corresponding HTTP status codes and messages.

Error CodeHTTP StatusMessageLog Level
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED401Authentication failed-
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_INACTIVE_KEY401Authentication failed - Pro subscription is inactive. Please upgrade your subscription to continue using the API.-
INVALID_API_KEY401Invalid API key provided-
UNAUTHORIZED403Unauthorized access-
INVALID_REQUEST400Invalid request parameters-
INVALID_MODEL400Invalid model specified-
CHARACTER_NOT_FOUND404No character could be found from the provided character_slug-
INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE415Invalid content type-
INVALID_FILE_SIZE413File size exceeds maximum limit-
INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT400Invalid image format-
CORRUPTED_IMAGE400The image file is corrupted or unreadable-
RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED429Rate limit exceeded-
MODEL_NOT_FOUND404Specified model not found-
INFERENCE_FAILED500Inference processing failederror
UPSCALE_FAILED500Image upscaling failederror
UNKNOWN_ERROR500An unknown error occurrederror