Eliza Instructions

To setup Eliza with Venice, follow these instructions. A full blog post with more detail can be found here.

  • Clone the Eliza repository:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ai16z/eliza.git
  • Copy .env.example to .env

  • Update .env specifying your VENICE_API_KEY, and model selections for SMALL_VENICE_MODEL, MEDIUM_VENICE_MODEL, LARGE_VENICE_MODEL, IMAGE_VENICE_MODEL, instructions on generating your key can be found here.

  • Create a new character in the /characters/ folder with a filename similar to your_character.character.jsonto specify the character profile, tools/functions, and Venice.ai as the model provider:

   modelProvider: "venice"
  • Build the repo:
pnpm i
pnpm build
pnpm start
  • Start your character
pnpm start --characters="characters/<your_character>.character.json"
  • Start the local UI to chat with the agent