To get started with Venice quickly, you’ll need to:
Generate an API Key
Navigate to your user settings within your Venice API Settings and generate a new API key.
For a more detailed guide, check out the API Key page.
Choose a model
Go to the “List Models” API reference page and enter your API key to output a list of all models, or use the following command in a terminal
# Open a terminal, replace <your-api-key> with your actual API key, and run the following commandcurl--request GET \--url \--header'Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key>'
Text Prompt
Go to the “Chat Completions” API reference page and enter your API key as well as text prompt configuration options, or modify the command below in a terminal
# Open a terminal, replace <your-api-key> with your actual API key, edit the information to your needs and run the following commandcurl--request POST \--url \--header'Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key>'\--header'Content-Type: application/json'\--data '{"model":"llama-3.3-70b","messages":[{"role":"system","content":"You are a helpful assistant"},{"role":"user","content":"Tell me about AI"}],"venice_parameters":{"enable_web_search":"on","include_venice_system_prompt":true},"frequency_penalty":0,"presence_penalty":0,"max_tokens":1000,"max_completion_tokens":998,"temperature":1,"top_p":0.1,"stream":false}'
Image Generation
Go to the “Generate Images” API reference page and enter your API key as well as image prompt configuration options, or modify the command below in a terminal
# Open a terminal, replace <your-api-key> with your actual API key, edit the information to your needs and run the following commandcurl--request POST \--url \--header'Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key>'\--header'Content-Type: application/json'\--data '{"model":"fluently-xl","prompt":"A beautiful sunset over a mountain range","negative_prompt":"Clouds, Rain, Snow","style_preset":"3D Model","height":1024,"width":1024,"steps":30,"cfg_scale":7.5,"seed":123456789,"lora_strength":50,"safe_mode": false,"return_binary": false,"hide_watermark":false}'