Venice’s API is protected via API keys. To begin using the Venice API, you’ll first need to generate a new key. Follow these steps to get started.


Visit the API Settings Page

To get to the API settings page, by visiting This page is accessible by clicking “API” in the left hand toolbar, or by clicking “API” within your user settings.

Within this dashboard, you’re able to view your VCU and USD balances, your API Tier, your API Usage, and your API Keys.


Click Generate New API Key

Scroll down the dashboard and select “Generate New API Key”. You’ll be presented with a list of options.

  • Description: This is used to name your API key

  • API Key Type:

    • “Admin” keys have the ability to delete or generate additional API keys programmatically.

    • “Inference Only” keys are only permitted to run inference.

  • Expires at: You can choose to set an expiration date for the API key after which it will cease to function. By default, a date will not be set, and the key will work in perpetuity.

  • Epoch Consumption Limits: This allows you to create limits for API usage from the individual API key. You can choose to limit the VCUs or USD amount allowable within a given epoch (24hrs).


Generate the key

Clicking Generate will show you the API key.

Important: This key is only shown once. Make sure to copy it and store it in a safe place. If you loose it, you’ll need to delete it and create a new one.